Wednesday, June 08, 2005

I can't believe it's been a year

One more exam and then we're out. Like Guillaume was saying, we're half graduate now. Although we still have one exam, my mind has switched to business like with my internship starting on June 20. I'll fly to the US for a few weeks, then back to Europe and finish in the UK so I'm quite excited by this. I'm going to work in business development for a financial services company and all this is quite new for me (business development AND financial services...) But I'm pretty confident that this 1st year has given me enough tools to tackle any hurdles and my previous experiences will do the rest.... (or not:))

Apart from that, the Open Week-End went pretty well according to Miss N and MBA Europe. Guys, I'm sure you're going to love the School! However, get ready for a tough first term... Spring and Summer terms are a bit less heavy.

Finally, I was at the School's Technology Fair yesterday with a couple of Internet and Technology companies on campus. It was quite interesting to talk to Google, eBay and Skype and I might consider contacting them for the 2nd year project we have to carry out (ie: consulting type of work). But going back to Technology after the MBA is still an open question for me so we'll see.


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