Monday, January 30, 2006

Job offer

This is it! The consulting firm who wanted me in Switzerland has agreed (after long negotiations...) for me to start in their London office. I have received the updated contract that I will sign this week. I'm quite happy about that and I'm sure it's going to be a fantastic experience. We haven't discussed about the starting date but September seems good to me. I need my summer break to backpack a bit in Latin America before working like crazy in London...

On the MBA side, I've just finish writing my Brand Management exam: 3000 words about the brand strategy of a Mexican food brand in the US... That was not the most interesting thing I've done lately :) I now have to prepare for my 2 classes tomorrow by reading God knows how many papers and prepare 2 cases, including one on a painting company entering into Brazil.

Finally, I'm closely following the recent largest M&A deal in the steel industry. Will Mister Mittal succeed in his hostile acquisition of Arcelor? That's a huge deal and interesting for many reasons: it's hostile, it's transformational (of the steel industry) and it involves a Netherland based company owned by an Indian living in London, with operations scatered around the world, trying to buy a Luxembourg based company traded in Paris, managed by a Frenchman with operations scatered around the world. Talk about globalisation... For first year students interviewing for IBD internships, my guess is that you ought to be ready to talk a bit about that deal.

For the French speakers, Le Monde has an interesing edito on the decline of Europe to China and India and uses this deal as an starting point.


Blogger divinemissN said...

Congrats on the job!!!

7:27 PM  

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