Thursday, September 07, 2006

The End

We came back in London a few days ago. That was a big shock! After two months in Asia, we had completely forgotten about the grey weather, utility bills, how to cook and grocery shopping... let alone work.

The trip was of course fantastic. People, landscape, food, weather, transportation, hotels... we experienced the good, the bad and the ugly but those two months will, without a doubt, stay in my memory for decades!

Now a new adventure is about to begin. I'm starting my new job next week. It's going to be hard and I'll probably have a few gruesome days (weeks?) but I hope it will be challenging and rewarding. I'm afraid there won't be much time to blog and therefore, I have decided to close this blog. Better not to blog at all than writing an occasional post every three months and hope for readers to stick around.

In the future, depending on the workload and how I'm able to manage my schedule, I'll try to start a new blog, dedicated mostly to the professional aspect of my life. It will be some kind of "Day in the Life of a Management Consultant" blog. If I do this, I intend to keep it completely under the radar of my new employer for obvious reasons but I will write a short note on this blog to provide the new URL. Therefore, if you are interested, keep the feed in your newsreader or check this blog from time to time.

Good luck to all of you.


Blogger Jeff D said...


I hope your next blog is up soon, I enjoyed reading this one.

Here are some pictures from my trip. You'll notice I work under the moto "take a ton of pictures, and a few will turn out nice."

The second link is some video, enjoy!

Bon chance!


7:34 AM  

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